My birthday ended as well as it began. My mom graciously watched the little ones while I took the older girls to dance. Keeping up with Jacob at the dance studio is pretty close to torture so it was a nice break. I also had to measure them and pay for their recital costumes. Which, by the way, cost more than I've spent on clothes for myself this year. And yes, I realize how pathetic that is on a couple levels.
Mom stayed so that Paul could take me out to dinner. We went to the Melting Pot. Yay! It also happened to be a New Moon theme night - how exciting is that?? We did a New Moon trivia quiz that I rocked and they had New Moon inspired drinks like Vampire Kiss and some werewolf thing. Very fun! We had a wonderful dinner and it was so nice to be at a place that doesn't have a kids menu.
The birthday celebrating continues to today(cake for lunch)! I get to go to Scrapmania tonight and stock on my scrapbook supplies! Fun times!!
2 hours ago
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