So you know how Jacob's been such a BAD sleeper..well, my friend Lauren recommended the book Healthy Sleep Happy Baby (or something to that effect). I read it Saturday and Paul and I decided it was time to implement the program Saturday night. We put Jacob to bed and he cried. And cried. And cried some more. For 45 long, painful minutes. Then I rolled him onto his belly and he slept for 3 solid hours. That's the longest he's slept in his crib in ages! He woke again at 11:30 but I just gave him a paci and he slept until 1:30 when Paul gave him a bottle. Needless to say I got about 7 hours of sleep on Saturday night - the longest in months. Bliss!
Last night he fell asleep sooner - only cried for about 20 long, painful minutes and we put him down on his belly..which makes me crazy worried but he can roll if he wants and he's almost 5 months. He slept solidly until 1:30 - 6 hours! That's right..6 hours straight! Seriously he hasn't done that since before Christmas - and in his crib no less!! I nursed him and put him back down...he woke up at 2:30 and wasn't happy...we tried to follow the for 45 long, painful, excruciating minutes he cried. Do you know how awful it is to hear them crying like that in the middle of the night? But finally he fell asleep until after 6. I got some nice solid sleep.
Moral of the story: His sleep is a work in progress but it's getting much, much better. As Paul says - 2 decent days do not make a good sleeper but at least we're on the right road!
2 hours ago
That book is a lifesaver. Kenna still cries every time we put her down for a nap or for bed, but it lasts about one minute, then she's out for the entire time she is supposed to sleep. That's just her way.
We did the "cry to sleep" method from fairly early on, and it DOES quickly diminish in intensity. AND, both boys did much better sleeping on their tummies. Good luck, Lori!
That's good news! I know you're sooo over it! By the way...not sure if I've mentioned it.... Jacob's NOT bunking with Auntie in Disney! :-)
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