
Diaper Caper

So we get Julia out of the bath tonight and go to get her a diaper. There are none in the basket in the changing table so Paul opens the brand new box and this is what we find:I'm SO mad & irritated! Seriously..who repacks diapers!! Upon inspection it looks as though the bottom was opened and Paul seriously asked why I didn't notice. Um..cause I'm shopping with a 2 year old that says "mama" every 15 seconds and a 4 month old..But anyway..who repacks diapers? Perhaps a guest needed one diaper and left the rest? Now I can't use any of these diapers as I feel they are tainted. I'll have to go into my emergency car stash of diapers (which is one) so that Julia will not pee all over everything before I can go to Target in the morning and unleash my ire...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

There was JUST a post on this on Triangle mommies! I cannot believe people do this! I would definitely complain!