My little Emma missed school today. She was sick..bless her heart. She cried and cried that she couldn't go to school. She said yesterday morning that she wasn't feeling well but still begged to go to school. So I sent her and told her to have her teacher call me if she wanted to come home. She didn't. And the teacher did ask but she insisted she was fine. When I picked her up I could tell she didn't feel good. Upon getting home she promptly parked herself on the sofa and didn't move until we took her up for bed. She was running a fever all evening. Poor kid.
This morning she announced "Mommy, I'm feeling much, much better..I am sure I can go to school." Umm..sorry..your fever is 100.6 - no go sweetheart. She spent all morning on the sofa - sniffling with no energy. About 10:45 she declared she had a plan..that all she needed was a bath and she'd feel better. So cute - so we took a bath and indeed she did feel better and it appears her fever has broken. She's still lacking energy but at least no fever.
This is actually the first missed day of school she's ever had. Darn elementary school germs..
Happy Birthday, Emma Faith!
13 hours ago