
Preschool Graduation

My Lily graduated from preschool this week. She is officially ready for Kindergarten (which begins in just 6 weeks)! She's had a fabulous year..her teachers were great and she really enjoyed it. The final program and graduation were held on Wednesday. It was really cute. First was the Spring Sing where we got hear performances from the 3 year olds and the 4 year year olds. Then we went to Lily's classroom for the graduation ceremony. For the graduation the kids marched in wearing their caps to "Pomp and Circumstance" They got a diploma, a pin and a Bible to commerate the event. They were just precious. It's hard to believe that Lily is done with preschool and starting Kindergarten. Hard to believe. Here are some pics of the event and a video clip of the kids singing. Enjoy!

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