Did you watch the "season premiere" last night of J&K+8? I watched it today on my DVR and sadly it cut off the last minute that Kate was talking. Oh well..since she sold her soul to People I think I've read about all she has to say anyway (seriously every week now she's given them an interview). Anyway..watching the show made me so sad. Remember when they were a happy, normal family (well as normal as you can be with 8 kids)? When Kate looked like every other stay at home mom (well most that I know) in her sweats and spit up stained t-shirts? When it was about her staying home with the kids and managing while Jon worked? It was SOOO much better then. Now Kate is "famous" out on speaking engagements in her name branded clothes, manicured hands and styled-for-her hair. Must be nice. But, not really if what it does to your family is drive your husband to hang around with young women at all hours of the night and keeps you away from your kids all the time.
I was saddened to see how little compassion Jon and Kate seemed to have for each other. They both admitted they'd made mistakes but neither one of them said (or so it was edited to appear) they loved each other and really wanted to work things out. So sad. There are 8 (!) kids in this family..think of how it would affect them if they split up. They both looked so sad during their interviews..Jon worse than Kate since she's clearly been hooked up with a stylist. But clearly they did not look happy. One has to wonder is all the money worth it? I hope they decide it's not. Jon clearly does not want to be doing the show anymore (but, Jon, on a side note: you DID sign up for all this chaos when you signed the TLC contract year after year). I hope Kate will respect her husband and choose him over their so called crazy life. I hope people will pray for this family that they remember how much they've been blessed and why and that they get their focus back.
Happy Birthday, Emma Faith!
14 hours ago