
New Camera

So I got a new fancy digital SLR camera and I'm so excited!! We took advantage of a double discount at Target (see previous post). I'm surprised Paul got it for me really but I'm so thankful. It's so nice and takes pictures so fast!! He was always fussing at me about taking pictures so slowly but now we won't have that problem. Of course the camera is way too much for my minimal knowledge of photography but I'm learning slowly but surely. I think there is an advantage to getting cameras at a real camera store where you can take classes but there we didn't get 20% off. Here are a few of the first pictures I took with the camera. More to come!

1 comment:

Amy said...

Those are adorable!! Glad you got to take advantage of the discount before it was gone...I feel your pain and loss. I won't even get a Target here until next spring!! Have fun on vacation!!