
7 Years Ago

Seven (short..oh so short) years ago we were blessed with the arrival of our 2nd beautiful daughter..Lily Grace. It all started after playing this long, frustrating waiting game that began a week earlier where I called the hospital to see if they'd induce me and they'd say - oh, we're really full today - call back later. After about 6 days of this I was literally about to strangle someone my doctor told me to come in that she'd find room to induce me. She didn't want me to risk having to wait until after her July 4th vacation. I remember being on the way to the hospital and stopping for Wendy's because I wanted to eat before I got the IV and they cut me off. I also remember Paul saying.."are you sure you want to be induced - if you wait until July 4th her birthday would be 7/4/04" I remember throwing a large object at his head. (Men: please note - do not ever, ever suggest to an overdue pregnant lady that they wait another 4 days to have the baby..especially in the middle of the summer).

We got the hospital in the early afternoon and by 2ish they had me set up on the IV and the antibiotics. Sometime later that afternoon I got the pictocin to start the labor. I remember the nurse saying that the dr said I could have the epidural whenever I wanted so I took full advantage - the first time I felt some discomfort I suggested she go ahead and call for it..you just never know how long those docs will take. He didn't take long but I don't remember feeling any contractions. Her labor was pretty easy as far as labors go and at 7:31 pm our little bit was born.

The hospital was not that great - I remember being wheeled to our room and a prison guard was outside one door. The nurse then tried to tell me that Paul couldn't stay the night because I might get a roommate. I then had a complete mental breakdown and she must have felt real sorry for me because she brought Paul some bedding and said he could stay. We left that hospital as soon as the pedi said we could go.

It's been an adventure with her ever since. A super smiley baby, a very spunky toddler, a spirited preschooler and now a sassy seven year old second grader. She's always loved accessories - she's had a purse since she could walk and now she's a peace sign loving fashionista who I couldn't love any more! I expect there to be many more adventures ahead with her! Happy Birthday Pooh Bear!!

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