
Diversity 101

One of the really cool things about living where I do is that it is very, very diverse. Much more so than when I was growing up here and much more so than I really realized when we first moved back to the area. Today I had the pleasure to go on a field trip with Lily's Kindergarten class. They went to the library across the street from the school and got to hear a special story time and take a tour of the library. Very cute. I haven't had too much interaction with her class this year so I was excited to meet her friends and to put faces with the names of kids she talks about. I knew from the names on the class roster that there must be an interesting mix of kids in her class. I also knew there was a lot of boys. ;So, I was really excited to actually see the mix of kids in her class. There are 16 boys and 9 girls. There is also an awesome racial mix in her class - white, African American, Hispanic, Asian and Indian..with no one group really being the "majority". I love that she's going to school with all kinds of kids and that she thinks it's so cool that she gets to tell me how to pronounce their names. I love that she thinks her bff, Alyna, "looks just like me and is so pretty" (she's Asian by the way with dark eyes and dark hair). I love that to Kindergarteners its all one world and everyone is the same. I think we could all learn a lot from them.

1 comment:

DasBecca said...

That's one of my favorite things about kids, too. :-D I always loved that the whole world is their friend until proven otherwise.

- becca -

PS: Erin said you guys got a new house (at least I'm pretty sure that's what I heard, heh). Congrats if that's the case!