Holy cow..Emma starts 1st grade tomorrow. How did that happen? When the kids are little you have days where you think they will never get older and that you'll be changing their diapers and cleaning up spit up forever. But, honestly, you blink and all of a sudden they are in school, wanting to do everything themselves, reading and losing teeth. Sigh...where does the time go? How did it move so slowly as a kid but so quickly now??
We went to Emma's open house this morning and met her teacher. A lovely young lady. Bless her heart she has 26 kids in the class and no aide! God Bless her. That's all I can say. I can't imagine being around 26 6 years olds for 7 hours a day. She's a saint. And a brave one at that. We got a few supplies added to the list, a nice letter from the teacher (which apparently has heard all the dirt on Emma from her Kindergarten teacher), got the carpool signs and added money on the lunch accounts. All set for tomorrow. But wait, as I get home double checking the supplies I realize that I bought the wrong folders. Need ones with pockets and don't have them. Crap. It's off to Walmart we go where we're told they won't have plastic folders this year. What? Only these reinforced cardboard ones. What? Those freaking folders are on every list. Oh and we also need 12 glue sticks. 12. Per kid. Seriously? How much gluing are they doing?
We found almost everything (though Walmart was out of all glue sticks apparently lots of other kids needed 12 glue sticks). Her backpack is packed, lunch is ready to go. The first day of first grade. Holy cow.
2 hours ago
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