
First Day of Kindergarten

Lily had her first official day of Kindergarten yesterday. She did get Emma's old teacher which she was excited about. She claimed to have had a great day and that she really liked it. Her favorite parts of the day were looking for Brownie the Bear (I think it was some sort of scavenger hunt around the school) and lunch. She's so different than Emma...Emma will give us a play by play of her entire day while Lily will simply say "it was good and I don't really want to talk about it."

Emma got her first bit of homework yesterday..a math worksheet. She was beyond excited about it. I hope her enthusiasm will continue as she gets older!


Erin said...

What happened to Howie the Hedgehog?

Gagi and the Grandkids said...

Tonight at dinner when I asked Lily if Brownie was kind of like Elfie and Lily quickly informed me that Elfie was at the workshop in the North Pole and would only come in winter time. She is a trip!!