
Cutest Flower Girls Ever

We had a WONDERFUL weekend celebrating my cousin's wedding. We were so excited to be able to attend so many pre-wedding festivities. The wedding was beautiful and the reception was one of the best parties we've been to. My cousin, Emily, the bride was absolutely stunning and her happiness just radiated all weekend. We were blessed to have wonderful hospitality all weekend from our friends the Shultz's (we met them in MA!). All in all it was a wonderful, fun weekend!

The girls were great all weekend. They handled the late nights and meeting all sorts of people fabulously. They had a great time getting to know Emily's bridesmaids and hanging out with family that we haven't seen in a long time. Emma was very serious about her flower girl duties...we couldn't help but notice during the rehearsal how she carefully placed on petal at the end of each pew. Lily, on the other hand, was much more haphazard about the whole ordeal. I'm sure she did her best, but she was cracking us up during the wedding - she kept looking up at the ceiling, spinning around and just generally fidgeting during the vows. Emma, of course, stood perfectly still for the most part and watched patiently. So different, those two..so different.

1 comment:

Shel said...

They were indeed the cutest flower girls ever!