I feel compelled to remind the blogosphere of what I consider to be proper "Carpool Line Etiquette". Clearly there are many parents out there that are in too much of hurry to obey common carpool rules and clearly I need to point them out.
1. It is NOT okay to speed in the school zone to get 1 or 2 cars ahead. Really? Won't get you anywhere fast..especially not if that policeman lurking around the corner catches you. And I secretly hope he does.
2. It is NOT okay to skip the line of cars and drop your child off in the crosswalk BEFORE the bell rings. What makes you (and jeep I'm talking about you) think you are so special that you don't have to wait in line like the rest of us. The line is NOT optional.
3. Wait until the bell rings before you let your kid out and you drive off. Before the bell rings you are still responsible for your kid.
4. Let your kids off in the designated spots - if we all follow the rules it will go faster. Honestly.
5. Let your kids start getting ready to get out of the car while you are waiting in line. Again..it will move things around.
6. Keep the line tight - stay close to the car in front of you.
7. Do not get out of the afternoon line once the teacher has already written your childs name down. It throws off the entire flow of the line. Really. The entire flow.
8. Pay attention - I know you are busy on your iphone playing games but if the car in front you moves you should too.
Did I leave anything out? I think if we just all follow these rules carpool line will be a much better experience for everyone. 'Kay??
2 hours ago
That post confirms that I am proud to be a mother of three bus-riding school children!
Hi. I found you via @peevedMichelle on Twitter.
I read this and I am so, so, so happy that my kids walk to school every day. Even when the 10yo begs and I mean BEGS to be driven I say no because I don't want to deal with any of that rage inducing craziness! Also maybe because I'm a little bit lazy, but we don't need to get into that right now, k?
In my defense if you stand on the sidewalk in front of my house you can see the crosswalk in front of the school. Sometimes I stand there and yell at her to hurry up the whole way. You know, so I can finish my soaps and bonbons in peace ;-)
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