my life changed in the most extraordinary way when we welcomed little Emma Katherine into our lives. She was born at 2:59pm on March 12, 2003 weighing in at 6lbs, 9oz. Two days before her due date and the smallest of all my babies. I had been to the doctor the day before and when we left the appointment I had no idea the next day my life would forever change. Paul had been with me and he had worked overnight the night before and was exhausted...needless to say he's still catching up on missing sleep! About 8pm I started having some back pains. The pain continued and shortly after midnight I started having some contractions. They weren't awful but were coming pretty regularly. About 4am we called the dr on call. She said I probably wasn't in active labor but we could come in and get checked if we wanted. Paul & I debated for a few minutes and decided to go in. We called all the parents on the way to the hospital and told them we'd keep them posted. We get to the hospital and they hook me up to the monitors to check on little Emma. Turns out she was pulling on the cord and her heart rate was going up and down. Since I was so close to my due date they decided to keep me, break my water and see what happened.
A couple hours later my mom shows up, then Paul's mom and finally our friend Frances, who brought food for Paul. They broke my water and for a while nothing was happening. Finally some action started and the contractions started to hurt. I got an epidural and they started me on some pictocin to speed things up. Emma continued to have some problems with her heart rate going up and down so they had to put internal monitors on her so the nurses could keep better track. I remember at one point having the nurses rush in to give me oxygen to help stabilize her heart rate. I also remember that Paul had eaten a Whopper for lunch and I thought the smell of onions was going to make me sick so I yelled at him to "do something about your breath." (He never ate a Whopper during a delivery again) I thought the epidural was wearing off but turns out it was time to push. I pushed for 30 minutes and they ended up having to use the vacuum to get her out. Meanwhile our moms and Frances were waiting outside the door trying to hear what was going on! At 2:59pm she entered this world..crying, pink & absolutely perfect and we fell hopelessly in love with her and parenthood.
It's hard to believe that little baby is now 7 and the oldest of 4 siblings! How our lives have changed in these past 7 much we've learned and grown as people and as parents. I can't even put into words how much I love her and how thankful I am for her. She is a joy and I can't wait to see what the future holds for her. I love you Emma Katherine...Happy Birthday!!!
2 hours ago
i didn't realize her middle name was katherine. when we were naming kate, we were deciding between emma kate and anna kate. :)
I remember that middle of the night call like it was yesterday....Paul was so cool, calm and collected. Happy Birthday, Doodle! Auntie Erin loves you!
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