Some of you may know that on Jan. 29 Paul got the unfortunate news that his position was being eliminated effectively immediately and that he would be on a paid (thank you Jesus) administrative leave until April 9. If a new position in the company was not taken by that date then his employment would be terminated and he would receive a small severance package based on his length of service. It was pretty shocking news - Paul had heard rumors that there was going to be some restructuring but several sources thought his position would be safe. They were wrong. So wrong. The company was not completely heartless though - they did pay all these displaced employees for the leave and set up a website where they could apply for jobs within the company. Sadly though Paul had to give back his company car leaving us with only one car. His boss was very positive that Paul would find another position in the company and faithfully Paul applied for positions that were posted. Weeks passed and he heard nothing. We prayed and prayed that something would come his way. Finally in early March he got 2 phone calls for phone interviews for 2 different positions. Then the next week he had in person interviews. Then we waited. And prayed. And waited. And prayed. And applied for more jobs outside the company. And prayed some more. And finally, yesterday he got offered a position as a Compliance Manager in the same company. benefits lost and he gets a company car again!
To say we are relieved would be an understatement!! It's very scary to think of not having a job, especially in such a tough economy. Paul really tried to keep his stress hidden from me and the kids but I know as the weeks went by he's been getting more and more nervous. We held on to our faith that God would provide and I truly believe He did. The position seems to be a good one though Paul will have to do more traveling than we're used to. I'm not complaining though - just so thankful he has a job!!
It's somewhat hard to believe it's been 2 months since he had to go to work. We've gotten so used to him being home! I've been really spoiled with him around to help with the kids. He gets up with the kids letting me sleep later than I deserve and often feeds them breakfast. He's also been the best "babysitter" (is it really babysitting when they're your kids?) ever - often keeping Jacob & Julia so I can do stuff at school or run errands. He and Jacob have bonded like crazy these past 2 months so much that Jacob will now run to Paul first - it's so cute!! He does the afternoon carpool run a lot and it was great having him around while the kids were tracked out. The hardest part was working around only having 1 car (we had sold his car last year since he never drove it and didn't want to buy a new one until a position was secured in case he got a position with a company car). But we managed and survived and it all worked out just fine.
I think we've both learned some things these past 2 months. Most definitely we've learned patience and gratitude for what we have and how blessed we've been. We've learned to keep being hopeful and to have faith. And though he's enjoyed his time home I think Paul is really ready to jump into his new position!
So thanks so much to everyone for praying for us, thinking of us and sending your positive vibes! We really, really appreciate it!!
Happy Birthday, Emma Faith!
13 hours ago