So Lily needs a new tote bag for preschool. The preschool sold them last year for $2 but they were crappy and thin so I thought this year I'd spring for the extra $1.50 and just get her a more durable canvas one at Michael's that we could decorate this week and have all ready for her first day next Tuesday. So armed with my 40% off coupon we head to Michael's this morning to pick out the tote bag and some iron on appliques for it. Of course my strong willed 4 year old had to pick out the royal blue tote bag - instead of the plain canvas or cute denim one..but at $3.49 who really cares...So then she picks out letters to spell her name (this is after I vetoed the paint because we tried that last year and it wasn't as cute as I envisioned and was actually sort of messy). Thankfully her name is short. Then she goes to pick out other iron-ons. We go through about 100 before she settles on a mulitpack that includes a "born to shop" purse, a cell phone, high heels, a "girls rule" heart, a lipstick and the word "sassy." No butterflies or flowers for my 4 year old..(we're in big trouble..I know). Then we pick up some beads so we can go to my friend Belinda's to use her Bedazzler to add some bling to the bag. We head to the register and $15.51 later we're out of there.
She's so excited to do her new tote bag so we get home and turn the iron on and start to work. I get the Lily on and am feeling pretty confident in my abilities to do iron on transfers. Then I go to work on the purse. I decide to just open the bag up and stick the iron in there to do the back..why waste time turning the bag inside out. Except I didn't realize the handle was under the iron. And guess what domestic people probably know..yep..the handle melted. Crap. And broke and left blue junk all over my iron. Great. Tote bag is now in the trash can.
So now it's back to Michaels for another $3.49 canvas tote bag and more freaking iron on junk. This tote bag is costing me more money and time than the infamous Hannah Montana backpack.
Happy Saint David's Day!
4 days ago
oh lori
you make me laugh so hard!
You should have taken pics of both versions...hilarious! :)
OMG That sounds just like something I would do. The best of intentions, right?
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