
Fabulous 5

Julia is finding 5 to be the perfect age. As the youngest girl in our family she's often trying to do everything her big sisters do. Now that she's turned 5 and on her way to kindergarten (in 6 months as reminds me often) she's found a confidence to tackle some physical things her sisters can do. First, the monkey bars. She's longed to do the monkey bars on our neighborhood playground for years. She's watched her two sisters master them and she couldn't wait to try them. Since we're having the weirdest, warmest"winter" we hit the playground the other day. She said:"I'm 5..it's time to try the monkey bars." She did and she crossed them. Quickly. Like she's been doing it all her life.

This week another, Win-Spring-ter day she decided she was ready to ride the 2 wheeler. She's tried on a couple other occasions but just wasn't quite there. I hear her call me from the garage.."Mommy, come help me ride the 2 wheeler. (pause) That's OK Mommy, I don't need your help." I go out there and she's riding the 2 wheeler. Like she's been doing it for months. And fast. Still a little trouble braking but she's got the concept. Her sisters were impressed and I think a little shocked. They quickly did the math and realized they were 6 (and well into Kindergarten or First Grade) when they learned to ride.

Clearly this kid has some motivation. Now on to learning to read..her next goal!

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