1. Homework. It sucks. Seriously how do I hate homework more now than when I was a kid? Oh yeah because my kids are way too tired, mentally, when they get home from school to care about homework. They fight, gripe, complain and whine about work that is most definitely not too hard for them. Why??? Again, I think it's because they are tired. But seriously...any parent who thinks their kids don't have enough homework can come do it with my kids any time. Homework makes me dread my kids getting older.
2. Language Explosion. The 2 year old has had an incredible language explosion. It's crazy how much he's talking. Also? Anyone who said boys don't talk as much as girls lied. He chatters all day long. All day. And loudly.
3. Girl Scout Cookies. Having 2 girls selling girl scout cookies is hard work. Getting all the orders delivered is harder work. Keeping the money organized? Nearly impossible. Not that this is a surprise but I am no math genius.
4. Disney Work. I am SO thankful that I have actually been busy with Disney work! I've gotten some great referrals lately and it's so much fun. Unfortunately my housework is suffering but oh well. I am apparently the only person who notices when things are dirty anyways. Hopefully one day I'll make enough to pay for a cleaning service.
5. PTA - Phew...the PTA is super fun but we've been busy lately. We're launching a huge fundraising program on Monday called Boosterthon. Then things will slow down. But I'm super excited about the program and can't wait to kick it off.