
Soccer Saturdays

Three of our kids are playing soccer for our town's rec league this Fall.  This seemed like a brilliant idea back in the Spring when it was time to sign up.  Two the kids would play at the same park so surely some of their games/practices would overlap.  And soccer is always on Tues/Wed/Thurs so we shouldn't have too many conflicts.  Turns out I was wrong, dead wrong, about that!  Ha!  Turns out they got rid of an age group, added t-ball teams and a t-ball field and consolidated two soccer fields.  So the only practices that are ever at the same time are the ones at different fields.  Sigh.  Thankfully there are a couple neighborhood kids on Emma's team and we've got a carpool going.

Anyway the practice schedule may be a nightmare but the games are going great!  I'm so proud of my kiddos for playing hard each week.  Emma is playing with a bunch of girls who have clearly been playing soccer for quite some time.  She played one season when she was 4, got in the face with the ball playing goalie and hasn't played since.  She's really hanging in there with those girls and is more aggressive than I would have thought!  She enjoys playing defense and she really likes the girls she's playing with.  So far, it's been a great experience for her.

Julia is in her 3rd season.  She's doing great - mostly interested in the game and she scored her first goal of the season on Saturday!  She seems to be more interested when she's playing offense..when she's on defense it's not unusual to see her trying her cartwheels.

Jacob is playing on a U4 team.  And yeah..it's just like you imagine.  Packs of kids chasing the ball.  Maybe one or two kids really getting it and scoring and the rest of them sort of standing around or just running.  Jacob's been up and down with his interest in it.  He's disturbed when other kids kick his ball during practice but he's doing OK.  He seems very curious about baseball so maybe we'll try t-ball when he's five.

So Saturdays you'll find us at the soccer fields, cheering loudly (oh wait..that's just me) getting our game on!