9:30am - Tell Lily..time to get your shoes on for the game...now..really...get your shoes, socks and shin guards..hair in a ponytail...get snacks ready
9:40am - We have got to go..game time is at 10am...everyone's in the car. Crap..forgot the camera...
9:41am - Pull out of the garage...off to the field
9:50am - Arrive at the parking lot...sunscreen all the kids, get the chairs, stroller, snacks...
9:58am - Finally get to the field...Panthers (Lily's team) are starting to warm up. We tell Lily to go practice. She s-l-o-w-l-y walks on the field and stands there
10:00am - Game time..but wait...where is the other team..the Bears??
10:05am - There are 4 Bears here..hmm..we need 6 to play and they have no coach...
10:10am - Lily's still standing on the field "warming up"...oh wait she just moved an inch...Still waiting on the Bears..our team is now offering them players
10:15am - Finally all the Bears arrive - there are 8 of them so the game can commence...
10:16am - Game On! Lily is playing on the front row, the Bears kick off and we get the ball. Two of the boys on our team run with the ball to the goal. Lily just stands there and does not move.
10:20am - Most of the kids are moving with the ball..not Lily...she continues to stand in the same place.
10:21am - Wait a minute..they have 8 players on the field..don't they know the rules say 6? Oh but 6 of the their players are not moving..guess that's why they have 8.
10:25am - First goal scored by the Panthers! Excellent! We're off to a good start. Lily's on the bench for a "water break" Guess all that standing made her thirsty...
10:30am - Panthers scored again - we have a little boy who is on fire. Bears still have 8 players on the field..hmm..
10:32am - Player down! A Bear has his hat covering his face and is laying on the ground...don't think he's hurt..Paul says he's pouting..apparently he does not like soccer?
10:35am - One of our players is playing goalie for the Bears and they still have 7 on the field (one Bear has left the game)..hmm...this is a comedy of errors. Oh and Lily found another little boy who also will not move. That little boy looks like he's trying to do a forward roll...Lily still standing but at least she's in the game.
10:36am - Lily ran down the field! Finally! But she's not really in on the action...
10:38am - Panthers score again. The poor Bears haven't even gotten the ball to their goal. Seriously all the action has been on the other side of the field.
10:39am - It's HOT out here! I mean HOT and if I hear Emma complain about being hot again I'm going to scream..
10:40am - Seriously, how much longer is this game..feels like it's gone on forever...Another Panthers score...Lily's on the bench for a "water break"
10:41am - The ball is out of bounds and the kids are still chasing it!!
10:42am - Wrong way Panther - our goal is on the other side...
10:47am - Game Over! Finally!! The Panthers "won" (we technically don't keep score)! Good job!!
10:49am - Hand out the snacks..seriously I think this is what half the kids were waiting for...especially Lily..all that standing around really works up an appetite!

Here's what Lily did the whole game....yup...nothing! Bless her heart..I'm just not sure soccer is the sport for her!