
Obnoxious Boys

Ok - so I have a lot on my mind tonight and I just have to quickly rant about 2 boys I had the displeasure of running into at BJ's this afternoon. So, I'm in BJ's looking for a new phone (long story) and I see 2 boys, maybe around 10, playing soccer, with a soccer in ball, in the store. When I say playing ball I mean, kicking the ball, passing the ball and running IN the store. Really! Not sure where any parental unit was while this was going on but I did see one buying them ice cream as I was leaving.

Apparently after playing a good game of soccer, in the store, you get to have ice cream. Lesson learned and filed away.

Kindergarten Orientation

Last night we had Kindergarten Orientation for Emma. I can't believe my baby girl is going to Kindergarten in 6 weeks!! It was a nice evening though and Emma had a great time. She got to hear a story in the library, have a snack in the cafeteria and see the Kindergarten classrooms. She did all that while the parents were in a meeting with the principal and vice principal. They talked a lot about the bus and the school day. It was very informative and I think we're really going to like the school. I'm pretty sure though I'm going to be an emotional wreck the day she starts - she told me when I tucked her in last night that I shouldn't be sad when she goes to school. I told her I would just miss her - she said don't worry mom! Right...like that's so easy!

Back at home

Our vacation is over and we're back at home. Laundry, cleaning, cooking and the normal day to day routine is back. Nothing too exciting going on. I've taken the big girls to the pool the last 2 days and they've had fun. Emma told me tonight I was a "boring old mom" because I wouldn't get in the water! It's freezing and I didn't have to get in. Once Paul goes back to work (9 more days) and I have to take Julia to the pool I will have to go in. Hopefully the water will warm up by then - it's freezing now!


Life is Good

We are still at the beach...having a great time. Somewhat sadly we must return home tomorrow...We've really had a fun time. Yesterday we went to the beach again. This time Julia remembered how much fun she had the day before and she went right to the water to play. Sadly I didn't bring the camera to capture the fun. Emma and Lily found this giant hole in the sand that someone had made so they had a great time playing in that. After the beach we came home for naps (well, Julia and I took a nap) then to the arcade (we had to use up our tokens and then see what $20 in tokens, I mean tickets, would buy the girls - turns out pure crap) then we met my mom for dinner. After dinner we let Em and Lily have a sleepover at my mom's then we came home with Julia and watched a movie.

This morning we slept in (well again, me and Julia) then we lazed around the condo for a while. The plan was to meet up with my mom and the girls at build a bear then Paul and I could go out for a date. We finally met up with them, handed off Julia and Paul and I went out for our date. We went to the outlets shopping (Paul needed some new duds for his new job) and then out to dinner (all u can eat crab legs - so romantic!). All in all a very fun day and we got some great deals at the outlets!

I haven't cooked since Saturday so even though I've had to clean up and do laundry it's still been a vacation. I've finished one book, started another and read 4 magazines. We're kicking off summer in a great way!


It really IS a vacation..

my kids have gotten up after 8:30am the past 2 days. Really!! All 3 of them! It really is a vacation!!

Sand and Biker Bars

Our first day at the beach was really fun! After the 3 hours it took us to get ready we finally headed out to enjoy some fun in the sun. At first Julia wasn't too sure of the sand or the water but she warmed up after a bit. She absolutely loved playing in the water and splashing around. Emma, who proclaimed when we arrived that she doesn't like the ocean, spent much of the afternoon laying on her belly in sand and water. And Lily, just being Lily had a smile on her face the whole time we were there. Needless to say it is amazing where sand can end up. I think we brought half the beach back to the condo with us!
After we left the beach my mom wanted us to go with her and her friends to hear a band play that they know and really like. She told us they were playing "at a place" and there was a cookout and there would be free food. What she neglected to tell us was that "the place" was a biker bar. So we pull up and there are probably 60 bikes in the parking lot and no mini vans. Definitely not a family establishment. So, Paul gets out to tell my mom we won't be staying and I still think she doesn't understand why. Seriously, a biker bar is no place for a 5, 3, and 1 year old. Being that this is SC and I think they give all adults a pack of cigarettes for Christmas there was a ton of smoking and drinking going on. Now, I think biker bars can be very entertaining - just more so when you a. are not pregnant and b. don't have your 3 kids with you. So, to apease my mother we stayed for 20 minutes then left. We went to the arcade and played some games then to a yummy buffet for dinner. Then we came home but the kids to bed and we watched American Gangster. A very fun day!


New Camera

So I got a new fancy digital SLR camera and I'm so excited!! We took advantage of a double discount at Target (see previous post). I'm surprised Paul got it for me really but I'm so thankful. It's so nice and takes pictures so fast!! He was always fussing at me about taking pictures so slowly but now we won't have that problem. Of course the camera is way too much for my minimal knowledge of photography but I'm learning slowly but surely. I think there is an advantage to getting cameras at a real camera store where you can take classes but there we didn't get 20% off. Here are a few of the first pictures I took with the camera. More to come!


It's Sunday morning and we are not at church but instead on a little vacation at the beach. Some of you may know but Paul has left Target and will be starting a new job in 2 weeks at Dick's Sporting Goods. He's been home for 2 weeks as Target did not have him work out his notice and Lord help us he'll be home for 2 more weeks before his new job starts. It was actually really nice to have him home during the last couple weeks - he was very helpful with the kids. Also his mom had knee surgery so he was able to spend a lot of time at the hospital with her. So, since he's starting a new job and Emma starts school in 6 weeks we won't really have any other vacations this year so we came down to see my mom and get some r&r. The next 2 weeks should prove interesting. I'm hopeful that Paul will get some projects done around the house (the garage!) and get his honey-do list caught up! I'm hopeful I can get some things done too like cleaning out closets and the attic.

I'm excited for Paul to have a new beginning. He was really burned out at Target. I'll mostly miss the discount but I'm sure my visa will be the better for it. Good timing too - who wants to take three kids shopping in the summer so I'll get weaned quickly from my Target addiction. We did take big advantage of our discount on Friday with a major shopping spree. I got my new camera (thank you, thank you, thank you Paul!) and stocked up on a bunch of things. I'm miss you Target discount card....


Tearful Goodbye

It's been an emotional few days...more than I thought would happen with the end of the school year. My oldest is done with preschool and is heading to Kindergarten in about 6 weeks. I got all teary when I picked her up today. I love her preschool teachers and I will miss them so much. Sadly they only teach 3 days per week and I really wanted Lily to go 4 days next year so she won't have them. I got sad yesterday when it was Lily's last day too. I love her teachers too and while I'm hopeful Julia will get them one day we will miss them all so much next year. We felt so blessed they were in such a great school where they were so loved by their teachers.

But now it's over. And so is my freedom for the next 3 months..those 6 hours a week when it was just Julia were so fun for the two of us. Alas now it's grocery shopping and errand running with three kids - fun times are ahead!!


Spring Sing

Today my older girls had their Spring music program at school. It was so cute and sweet. They group them by ages then have several classes singing songs together. At first I didn't understand why they didn't have just one class singing however, once I realized that about half the kids just stand there and look out at the parents, look down at their feet or play with their neighbor I realized why more really is better! After the program my 5 year old had a little "graduation" ceremony in her classroom. We've had such a wonderful preschool year and it's just hard to believe we only have 1 day left for each of my older girls. I'm going to be a mess tomorrow and Friday - I really love their teachers - I just hate for it to end! I'm going to attempt to put up some video of the girls singing today. My camera didn't do a great job and I ran out of memory to get too much video. Yet another reason I need a new camera (hint, hint honey if you read this!)!!



I was inspired by a blogging friend to write down things I'm thankful about concerning my husband. All too often it's easier to focus on the things I feel he is not doing as I would like instead of how great he really is. So here, on the 20th day of May are 20 things I'm thankful about my husband:

1. He is a great father
2. He is more patient than me
3. He will often pick up things for me at work that I need without grumbling too much
4. He never complains about my nights out
5. He gets that I am not a morning person
6. He makes pancakes on Sunday mornings for the girls
7. He likes to eat out and doesn't complain when I suggest we go out for dinner way too much
8. He clears the dishes after dinner every night
9. He doesn't mind going shopping
10. He plays princess games with the girls
11. He picks out really cute clothes for the kids
12. He doesn't care if the house isn't perfectly clean every day
13. He doesn't care if I sit around and play wii during naptime
14. He supports me staying home
15. He is a wonderful provider for our family
16. He makes wise financial decisions and is good with our money
17. He will eat anything I fix
18. He makes it a priority to spend time with our family
19. He always puts the seat down
20. He loves me for me, no matter how ugly I am on the inside or outside, he still loves me..and for that I am the most thankful.


K i s s i n g

We pull into the garage after preschool today...

Emma: I kissed Jonas on the lips today

Me (in disbelief): what?????

Emma: Yep, at school

Me: Where?

Emma: In the Barbie Center..I told him that if you want to date me or marry me then you have to kiss on the lips

Me: So, who's idea was it to kiss?

Emma: mine...

OMG!! Yes, my 5 year old just had her first kiss. I am in big, big, big trouble. BIG!



I'm 20 weeks pregnant today so that makes it "halfway day"! Yeah! It's all downhill from here - well sort of, if you don't count the aches and pains that are sure to come, the being out of breath just climbing the stairs, and the impending labor...But really I'm excited to be halfway through...let the countdown begin!


Dancing with the Stars

My kids love Dancing with Stars. We DVR it and then let them watch it the day or so after it airs. They definitely have their favorites - Cheryl for my 3 year old and Kristi Yamatachi as my 5 year old knows her. So on the way home from preschool today they told me they watched dancing with daddy last night. Emma was giving me a recap about "Yamatachi's" dance..she said she got a 9 from "carry on", a 10 from "wynn" and a 10 from "pluto." It took me a minute to get what she said but when I did I couldn't help but smile...5 years olds are funny!!


It's a......

So we had our big ultrasound this morning and first and foremost I'm excited to report that the baby looks good - everything is developing normally at this point! We got a great picture of the little hand and we could see all 5 fingers on both hands! We got a pretty good shot of the head.

So we went in this morning the tech asked if we wanted to know what we were having. We had not decided when we got there and we told her we weren't sure. That we kinda wanted to know but we kinda wanted a surprise. So she said to let her know if we decided we wanted to know. Well, we got into it and she got so excited that she blurted out.......

It's a boy!! That's right...we do make boys!! We were a little stunned and shocked - I don't know why - I sort of thought it might be a boy this time but I think after 3 girls we wouldn't have been surprised to have another girl. Emma and Lily kept saying it was going to be a boy and turns out they were right. We're really excited (and a little relieved we don't have to pick another girl name!)!!


What should kids call grownups?

This subject has been on my mind since yesterday afternoon and I brought it up to my mom friends at gymnastics this morning - what should kids call grown ups? Here in the south we often refer to our close friends as Ms such and such. But when should that change - when should my kids start referring to adults by their last names?

This all started for me yesterday when a 14 year old boy addressed me by my first name at the playground. It made me feel old but I have to admit I felt like he should have addressed as Mrs. Potter. Now he may not have known my last name and it's not a big deal it just got me thinking. I feel like kids should refer to adults by their last names - it is a sign of respect and signifies that there are boundaries - that adults are not the same as kids. Now I think that if it is a close friend that is a different story but a random neighbor or acquaintance should be referred to differently. Any thoughts??

Primary Tuesday

Today is Primary Day in NC. There's so much buzz about the elections going on and it's been on the front page of the paper for weeks now. There are a lot of races in NC - not just the Presidential Primary. Those races, however, have not gotten hardly any press as everything is overshadowed by the Obama vs. Hillary smackdown. It's really a shame too because at stake in this election NC has a senate seat as well as governor and lt. governor. I hope that voters will remember these very important races as they go to the polls today. I think it's great that the democratic primary has brought out so many new voters I just hope they are educated on the other races going on as well. The polls close at 7:30 and there are some great online resources to help you make educated choices on who to vote for - don't forget to use them!!


Strawberry Day

It's Strawberry Day at the Farmer's Market so after we dropped Lily off at preschool Emma, Julia and I headed down to check it out. Indeed there were tons of yummy strawberries! Emma must have eaten 100 of them! All the farmers were handing out samples and every time we walked by Emma got one. They were so good though she just couldn't help herself! It was a very fun morning. We got strawberries, asparagus, corn, tomatoes and cilantro (in honor of Cinco de Mayo on Monday I got inspired to make fresh salsa). I must try to go the farmers market more often. They really do have a great selection at good prices and it's good to buy local. Doing my part to "be green" one step at a time.