Didn't school just start? Seriously..now I'm writing about Fall Break? That was the fastest 9 weeks ever for the girls! It's really hard to believe the first quarter of the school year is done. Phew!
The girls had a great first quarter. This year seems to be a little more challenging with the new Common Core standards that state is using but the girls are doing great. Jacob is having a great start to the Preschool year too. We have a teacher we've had for Julia & Lily so we know her well and she knows our family well. This year Jacob gets to do carpool for the first time and let me tell you - it's a little slice of heaven =).
So the girls are on break. We're right in the middle of the 3 week break. Last week we went to the beach, Emerald Isle, for a few days with Auntie Erin. She and Tom had rented a GORGEOUS home right on the ocean and they were very generous in offering us to come for a few days to hang with them. Unfortunately it rained and rained and poured and stormed most of the time we were there. And even more unfortunately Erin pulled her back and was pretty much bed-ridden our entire visit. But, we got to use the homes pool & hot tub quite a bit and got a little beach time in. It was nice to be away for a few days. We came home to soccer and dance and soccer and dance!
This week we're just hanging around the house. Enjoying some playdates and sleepovers. Apparently October didn't get the memo that it's supposed to be warm and gorgeous. The past 3 days have been gloomy and COLD! I had to turn my heat on! In October! What?!? Anyways, the weather people have promised warmth will return tomorrow. I hope so! I usually love this track out because the weather is awesome! Hmpf!
Happy Birthday, Emma Faith!
14 hours ago